Wannacry, Petya, and Now the Equifax Breach. Is Your Organization Next?

What happened with Equifax is especially alarming because of the type of personal data hackers accessed. This breach reaffirms security incident response and orchestration is no longer a nice to have, it’s a necessity.

Schedule a workshop with Resolve Systems to assess your company’s readiness for an unavoidable breach.

Workshop Details

The Proactive Security Incident Response Workshop is an evaluation of your current plan. Resolve SIR experts will spend a day with your SOC team to understand the tools, people, and processes involved in your organization’s incident response. The workshop will cover:

  • Roadmap to an accelerated response plan, with IT and Security operational teams working in unison for fast and agile response
  • Plan to capture knowledge from your SMEs and make it available to frontline responders on demand
  • Multi-pronged response strategy spanning automation and process guidance, based on analysis of your incident data
  • Plan for fast containment of breach, even while a detailed response is in play
  • Incident analytics plan for continuous response capability improvement

Schedule Proactive Response Workshop

Security Incident Response Needs a Unified Platform